Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still Batavia

Heal the government

Hidup itu anugrah

Busway on vacation days, I guess

Anak Indonesia

Wow, we have.....

Merah putih (y)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

two year and three months, saranghae

Saturday, June 27, 2009

So yaa, yesterday was my lil brother's birthday. Sadly I forgot that yesterday was 27th of June. Fyi, I only did not know that yesterday was 27th, ok? I did remember that around those days were my brother's birthday ngik ngik.

I wish you all the best. Stop beating people and breaking stuffs inside the house hahahahaha Shatila Sani loves you.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Some cool 'quotes' from my ICT teacher.

"Students who get A for their exam will get blue slip by Saturday. However, if by Saturday you can't show me your power point project, your slip will turn to different colour......... Yeaa detention slip, orange colour". Omg, I scored A for his exam, yet still I can get detention?

"Last year is last year. I don't care whether you are improving or not. If you want blue slip, then ask santa claus". What? Santa Claus?


I got a pretty D for my English paper. Ms ........ is really strict in marking. Why? Because she is a native English. Makan tuh native English, bngst. What does she expect? Poetic composition, right?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Whatever, holiday please come faster

Don't know how to start. I just recently woke up from my sleeping during the whole prep time. I feel lifeless, nothing to do and school is just uninteresting these late days. English paper was not okay either. Well for me it was. The questions of comprehension section were so hard. I did understand them and the passage but I didn't know how to explain the answer. Hoah, I swear I don't demand anything except for staying in Ms. Pillay's pitiful class. Wish me luck people.

I'm counting down to 4th of July. I WANT TO GO HOME. I'm fed up. Gotta take a bath now. Oia, this morning, we found the bathroom was so smelly. Jeng jeng there was a poop (sorry) inside the showering cubicle. Isssshhhh whoever shitted there, just shame yourself and go die.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Still have 3 more papers. My last paper, maths paper 1, was such a crap. I left about 3 questions blank. Why? Because I really had no idea how to do it. This never happened before. The formula sheet became totally useless for me. Some add maths student even said that they used logarithm to find the answer. Hello, excuse me, I'm not an add maths student. Don't you know that? Well hopefully the next maths paper will be more normal.

Klo maths aja gue ga bisa dapet A, mo pelajaran apa lagi yg gue bs yakin dapet A?

YAA MY GOD! I'm going home at 4th of July instead of 2nd of July. Why? When my father asked for principal's fucking permission, he told my father that he is very disappointed because a good student like me wants to go home early, somemore he said that I could get the award on speech day to my. Oh hellooooo principal, do you even recognize me by saying that I'm good student and you will be disappointed if I go home early? Do I even care whether you feel disappointed or not? Do I even want to come to speech day? double u-tee-f yeah!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


In love with Alexa Chung!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hell-ooo people! School makes me gone mad and now the internet connection is getting even crapper! I will be having exam starting from Tuesday ngik ngikk study study! Eh, which one to study first?

Saturday, May 9, 2009



source: flickr, weheartit

Thursday, May 7, 2009

8.02 in Malaysia. I'm supposed to be sitting in my chair and finish my prep. But today, no prep for all basketball players! Oh fucking nice! Some more, showering and noddling after bedtime are allowed.

Naquiah players were really skillful and rough. Okay, we all know it. Even before the game started, I couldn't enjoy shitting. Nervous. I ended up the game with only one foul, I presume. Unlike the yesterday's game where I fouled 3 or 4 people. Sorry hehe.

Shit. I still have three essays to be done. English, history, economics.

Dedicated to Mr. Adrian. Sir, don't make me redo my project. It is wasting paper, ok Sir?

Bye people.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Finally yesterday I ate something delicious. Thanks for treating Gina! I watched The Uninvited instead of Threads of Destiny. Ok, during this four-days exeat I have watched too much love stories and such as, so I dared to watch The Uninvited. It wasn't really interesting though.

Meyer was too paranoid yesterday. We were queueing and talking about Coming Soon when something shockingly fell or exploded. Meyer screamed damn loudly, so yaa.................

~Hey people, don't gossip okay? Hahahahahaha

Thursday, April 30, 2009

So, today is my sister's and Gina's birthday. Happy birthday, love love. I'm still trapped in KTJ where I find that Youtube is not available anymore. For what fucking reason is my school blocking Youtube?

I'm going out to Mid Valley tomorrow. I start to get bored with that mall. Presumably, Pavillion will be much much interesting. Nicer choice will be Genting or Sunway. Yeah. But that's ok as long as I can be out of this jail.

The Boy in The Stripped Pyjamas. A movie about the innocent son of death camps commandant making friend with a Jewsih boy through the electric fence. He doesn't know how forbidden his friendship is. The film is very touching and emotional. Unhappy ending, fyi.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No. I ain't okay. Freshness and brightness come and light me, please

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm not pretending to look intelligent. But the swine flu has intrigued me. Just now, I read the article explaining why the virus spread rapidly. Well, I don't really get the details. I'm not a fucking biology student by the way. At least I understand what is happening. Hopefully the viruses won't reach Indonesia. We faced a lot of pandemic already, e.g. bird flu and devilish corruption sickness.

Joo Ji Hoon. Why on earth does he use drugs?

Starting from today, I decide to consider Peterpan's songs as good as Gigi's or Maliq's. I don't care what would you people say :)

Lastly, I'm sick of Facebook. I presume it gets over populated and therefore it runs so slow.

History prep? crap!

mouri says:
tau ga ne, cool deh
mouri says:
aku masuk tim basket buat pertandingan antar asrama lhoooo
mouri says:
(merasa hebat)
mouri says:
ko ga ada respon sih
pane1423 says:
mouri says:
hmmm blg hebat gt kek
mouri says:
pane1423 says:
mouri says:
menghina yaaaa?
pane1423 says:
enggak kok
pane1423 says:
"MEMUJI" doang
mouri says:
aku merasa
pane1423 says:
mouri says:
merasa tidak di puji


Monday, April 20, 2009

PS, guess what?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Last night I thought I won't be able to fly back to KL. Well, actually I hope so. All began when I left the e-ticket print in my boarding house. But I did keep the booking number in my phone, so I was saved since in KLIA, you didn't have to show the e-ticket print. All you need to do is touch and enter the booking number through the touch-screen machine. Then TAA DAA! Your are having your boarding pass! Nah yak, kampung yaa gue.
These very helpful things are not available in Soekarno-Hatta airport. Moreover, as you know, to be able to get in to the check in room, we should show our ticket to the security guard. Nah, I just realised it last night. JEDENG JEDENG! So I faced problem now, right? Right!

I went to Malaysian Airlines website and tried to log in and found my password was invalid. I couldn't sign in. JADI I had no idea how to get the e-ticket print.
The clumsy insane person named Shatila can speak English, so what. I sent message to MAS customer service. Hoping this problem would be over before I should tell my dad. Despite of it, they didn't reply my email. Shatila was dying that day.
God finally whisper me the suggestion. Then I called MAS office in Jakarta. They said that they could send the fucking e-ticket to my email. Oh thanks God!

The end, I'm lazy to write more than this. Byebye.
By the way, I love you Rizky Pane.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Say hello to Mr. Virus-Maker

Wow, the desktop in my home is getting crazy. It has been infected by viruses. Before I left to Malaysia, the computer was still ok and working, though improperly. As I got back last December my mom told me that sometimes there was an evil (completed with its horns) picture appeared on the monitor. Then some useless word sent by the poor hillbilly hacker will be displayed. Saying that the computer has been hacked and sent virus. Idiot.

Yea just now I saw the picture. Hello Mr. Virus-Maker, feel proud right? Proud for doing that such aimless things? What a freakishness!

Lets take a bath! I'm going to hang out with Silfara Adit and Dici! We intend to watch Knowing haha let see how long I can bear my eyes open!

Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm sick of my holiday.
Firstly, I still have to study science. My mom hires a private teacher. When I was in Malaysia, she said that the lesson would be only 2 or 3 times a week. In spite of it, now I'm doing 5 days lesson from Monday to Friday. Oh please, I'm in holiday now..............
I've been quite greedy. It is like everytime I must have som
e food to be swallowed. So I can even be seeking for food in every 1 hour. Today I feel like an obese.

The word bored has described my days. For the first time, I think that KTJ isn't really bad. I'm not talking about the school time or the bathroom. It's dis
gusting, yea I know. I like the afterschool one. At least when I get bored with this online things, I can do something else. Whatever it is.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

failed to watch movie

Yesterday my mom and I planned to watch movie in Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia. I left my home at 5 pm and reached there almost at 7.30 pm, nice right? Jakarta is too full with car hahaha.

Actually the film started at 7 pm. So I was late for about 30 minutes, but I think it would be fine. However, when I was going to buy the ticket, the cashier (or whatever the name for cashier who works in cinema) told me that I could not buy the ticket due to our lateness. Oh oh oh shit shit shit

Here is the conversation:
My mom: Slumdog, please (yes my mom has not watched Slumdog and she really wants to watch it).
Cashier: 22.00 pm Mom.
My mom: Oh no I want the 7 pm one.
Cashier: Oh you can't because the movie has begun.
My mom: That's ok.
Cashier: Sorry mom, it's the system of the computer. It blocked the 7 pm schedule itself right away 15 minutes
after the film gets started.
My mom: Oh ok, thankyou.

KRIK KRIK KRIK......................

Then in the lift
My mom: This would not happen if you didn't come late.
Me: Traffic jam, what.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

an unwanted citizen is getting bored

Oh whatever.................... my activities are damn boring! like an unwanted citizen. One whole day in front of laptop, typing in cacat windows live messenger, watching youtube, seeking at people's facebook.

Last night I had a nice dinner with Abel Nia Fina Banny Nindy and Lisa. It was at Seribu Rasa restaurant. Well, nice and cozy. I was curious with the green spicy meat. Regardless what Abel had said that the meat was freaking spicy, I still ate it. First, it was spicy and salty and nice. Five minutes later I was no longer able to swallow it. Ah go die lah haha.

This afternoon I attended Autism Awareness Festival. It was held due to World Autism Day. Very touching! I learned a lot from those children's spirit. A lot of people are thinking and expressing that those kind of children are different, but actually there are not! They just need to be more instructed. I saw some of them playing music and they did as well as the other people.................... so change your mind people! :P

I'm chatti
ng with Xiao Ling now. Amusing and funny. She gives me some links she gets from her bf.

for more pictures. I eyed this before in Discovery Chanel. This too sophisticated roller coaster will be either an addictive guillotine or what?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I may not be beside you every day

I may run out of tender words to say
Can’t promise you the world
When all I have is love
Only love

I may not be the one your thinking of
I may not fit your perfect dreams of love
One thing I know for sure
And you can rest assure
My love is always yours

Oh baby
Won’t you look into my eyes and see
Beyond the things I’m not, there’s love inside of me
Just love me for all things I am, love me
The lighter side, the darkest side
Try to love me for everything I am

You, you been inside
You’ve seen the darkest side of me
I’ve shown you everything I am, everything

For Everything I Am-Christian Bautista

Monday, March 30, 2009

so today is 30th of march

I have not been writing for quite a long time haha lazy lazy and lazy.....................

Oh today is 30th of March, means my second year anniversary with Rizky Pane. Even so, I'm not able to meet him. I need to go to my father's hometown. So it seems like there is nothing important today :'(

Lucky me for having boyfriend like him. Sounds exaggerated, but its true. I leave him to Malaysia and then when I get back to Jakarta, I'm not really able to meet him. But, see, he is still waiting for me and has been so tough and patient.

Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you


Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile

When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

He said this song is very suitable for him hehe..............................

Friday, March 20, 2009

the story of 2 poor monkeys

shatila hale says:
Lisa says:
shatila hale says:
gue bener2 pulang smnggu lg bok
shatila hale says:
nonton disney on ice yuk
shatila hale says:
sm baney
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
duuuuuh gw kgk demen begituan til
Lisa says:
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
oke lah
shatila hale says:
ayok kita pergiiii
shatila hale says:
taman safari nih ayokayok
shatila hale says:
gua napsu
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
mau hunting foto ya til??
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
pengen kenal sm habitat lu
shatila hale says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
beneran mau kesono?
Lisa says:
ayo ayo aja gua mah
shatila hale says:
iya beneran
shatila hale says:
gue ga niat2 bgt sih hunting foto
shatila hale says:
ga terlalu tertarik
shatila hale says:
tp pengen ksana aja
shatila hale says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
makasalahnya gw juga lagi boke kalo ke mall
Lisa says:

shatila hale says:
ajak adit gt2 yaa?
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
emg tgl brp maunya?
shatila hale says:
kan gue pulang tanggal 27 sore
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
tanggal 5?
Lisa says:
hmmmm okeoke insya allah ya til kalo bdn gua kgk bonyok
Lisa says:
shatila hale says:
emg badan lu bonyok knp?
Lisa says:
kgk kan tgl 4nya gua kenaikan tingkat,naaaah disitu ada tes fight nya juga
Lisa says:
tp tenaaang gw akan berusaha menjaga body gua
shatila hale says:
yaa klo ga tanggal 5
shatila hale says:
tanggal 11?
shatila hale says:
lo sabtu skolah ga sih?
Lisa says:
sabtu gua cuma ekskul kalo tgl 11 kyknya gw lg libur ekskul
shatila hale says:
knp tnggal 11 libur ekskul?
Lisa says:
kan gw abis kenaiakn tingkat,biasanya libur dulu baru minggu dpn aktif lagi
Lisa says:
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
mau nih tanggal 11?
shatila hale says:
kt adit ajak dia sm helmi gt2 jg
Lisa says:
yasudah,tgl 11
Lisa says:
iyaaaa mereka diajak aje
Lisa says:
ngumpul dimane?
shatila hale says:
enak nya dmn
shatila hale says:
itu tanggal 11 hari sabtu tp
shatila hale says:
taman safari sm puncak deket ga sih?
Lisa says:
lumayan sih tp lbh deket tol kalo ga salah
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
klo kyk gt kira2 butuh brp mobil yaa?
Lisa says:
kalo mau pagi jam 9 gt brangkat biar kgk macet
Lisa says:
2 paling
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
itu weekend gt
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
jam 8 kita siappp!
Lisa says:
siiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap bang!!!
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
kabarkan kawan2 kitaaaa!
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
ketemu dimane tp?
shatila hale says:
ksh ide dong
Lisa says:
di alarm aja apa biar lbh gampang?
shatila hale says:
ayokayok aja
shatila hale says:
tanyain dulu deh anak2 hari sabtu pd libur ato ga
Lisa says:
okaaaaaaaaay okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
makasiiiii lis ahahaha
shatila hale says:
eh eh tau ga
Lisa says:
zama zama shat
Lisa says:
apa apa?
shatila hale says:
gue kan 10 hari lg 2 tauuuunnnnn
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
shatila hale says:
shatila hale says:
tp tp tp
Lisa says:
shatila hale says:
pane nya lg cuek nih sm gue -.-
shatila hale says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
dlm cinta memeang selalu ada asam mains nya til
shatila hale says:
Lisa says:
walaupun dia cuek sama lo tp dia tuh msh sayang sama lo
shatila hale says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
Lisa says:
shatila hale says:
jelas itu
shatila hale says:
ahahaha lo gt loh

Please notice the red-coloured lines :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

cold-hearted teacher

The late schooldays have been so tiring. This afternoon, I found myself sleeping from after school time until the prep bell rang. That's such a long time. Moreover, I'm still sleepy now. Get no encouragement to do all my prep.

Something unexpected happened in Combine Science class. I think I'm supposed not to tell it. Well, I should admit that my Comb. Sc teacher seems to have cold-hearted. By the way, I'm very anxious with my assessment. Wish me luck, guys

Oh! 21.38! Lets take a bath now and continue history prep!

Counting days! 8 more days to go home.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

yesterday, 17 of March 2009

Yesterday, 17 March 2009, was full of excitement.
Firstly, that day was Abel's birthday. My petite friend. I think she was quite mad at me in the morning. I was the only one who said nothing to her. She did not realize that there was a small post-it hung on her desk. It was my first birthday card -,-. Then when I c
ame back from breakfast, she was sitting in front of her desk. She asked me "Didn't you write anything here?"............. Genius, right?

The surprise was also successful, though it had to be held in the pantry. We had no idea how to bring her to tuckshop.

Secondly, I represented my boarding house for hurdles and I cleared all the hurdles without any falling down! I wonder, what the hell could make me run and jump like that. Actually, instead of me, Xiao Ling was supposed to be the representative. However, she needed to attend her music trip that day, so I sub her.

By the way, when I was running, instead of calling my name or my boarding house name, my friends supported me by yelling " Pane Pane Pane!". Ahahahaha.

I'm sleepy now but I can't sleep. Krik krik krik. AAAAA I WANT TO GO HOME.

kata si Desrosiers happy birthday

kata Jang Geun Suk jg

Monday, March 16, 2009


Finally, the internet is connected now. It has been three days! I'm out of the world (exaggerated). I think God actually was giving me a way to finish my ICT project during those days. Ahahaha. This morning break, I was supposed to meet Mr. Adrian in ICT room, but, ah, too lazy to get there. Hopefully, he won't give me detention. I plan to get no detention until I graduate from this jail. Can? Can? Can....................... (Abel's Math teacher).

I'm numb now. Considering Ms. Pillay's words, I think I'm going to be thrown out of O level class. Though I hate her, I do need teacher like her. Well, remember Shatila, damn good English is frightfully a basic thing for a lawyer. Azza azza fighting!

Ow yeah I have a headset now. Thanks Ka Shanka for lending it. Mine was broken. Don't know why. Bapuk.

Tomorrow is 17th of March................... so? Ahuahaha

Thursday, March 12, 2009

first post.............

Finally..................... my first post!
I'm inspired to make this blog by my English teacher. She said that I need to improve my English and I hate the way she told it. Well I admit that I really need to do so. Haha. Let me work on it and make her praise me!

Anyway, am I allowed to make any mistake in tenses and stuff? YES I'M ALLOWED!

This weekend is exeat! Means that I could wake up late and get out of my school for, at least, a day. Yea yea! I promise myself not to shop too much. Damn Global Crisis.

Shit, I failed to get a high mark for my last history test.
My parents will interrogate me when I get back home. I hope my history teacher will combine the test mark and the exercise mark, so my assessment won't be that bad. MOREOVER! the new aseptic girl got higher mark than me! Ya Tuhan.

Ok, talk less do more!

I have list to do:

First, finish the shitty database project!
Second, get rid of all my pimple (argh)! erha? as diligent as possible (wth)