Tuesday, April 7, 2009

failed to watch movie

Yesterday my mom and I planned to watch movie in Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia. I left my home at 5 pm and reached there almost at 7.30 pm, nice right? Jakarta is too full with car hahaha.

Actually the film started at 7 pm. So I was late for about 30 minutes, but I think it would be fine. However, when I was going to buy the ticket, the cashier (or whatever the name for cashier who works in cinema) told me that I could not buy the ticket due to our lateness. Oh oh oh shit shit shit

Here is the conversation:
My mom: Slumdog, please (yes my mom has not watched Slumdog and she really wants to watch it).
Cashier: 22.00 pm Mom.
My mom: Oh no I want the 7 pm one.
Cashier: Oh you can't because the movie has begun.
My mom: That's ok.
Cashier: Sorry mom, it's the system of the computer. It blocked the 7 pm schedule itself right away 15 minutes
after the film gets started.
My mom: Oh ok, thankyou.

KRIK KRIK KRIK......................

Then in the lift
My mom: This would not happen if you didn't come late.
Me: Traffic jam, what.

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