Saturday, May 9, 2009



source: flickr, weheartit

Thursday, May 7, 2009

8.02 in Malaysia. I'm supposed to be sitting in my chair and finish my prep. But today, no prep for all basketball players! Oh fucking nice! Some more, showering and noddling after bedtime are allowed.

Naquiah players were really skillful and rough. Okay, we all know it. Even before the game started, I couldn't enjoy shitting. Nervous. I ended up the game with only one foul, I presume. Unlike the yesterday's game where I fouled 3 or 4 people. Sorry hehe.

Shit. I still have three essays to be done. English, history, economics.

Dedicated to Mr. Adrian. Sir, don't make me redo my project. It is wasting paper, ok Sir?

Bye people.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Finally yesterday I ate something delicious. Thanks for treating Gina! I watched The Uninvited instead of Threads of Destiny. Ok, during this four-days exeat I have watched too much love stories and such as, so I dared to watch The Uninvited. It wasn't really interesting though.

Meyer was too paranoid yesterday. We were queueing and talking about Coming Soon when something shockingly fell or exploded. Meyer screamed damn loudly, so yaa.................

~Hey people, don't gossip okay? Hahahahahaha